We would like inform you our service, Global Heavy Transport company locate at Turkey / Istanbul, and our main business is OVERSIZE & OVERLOAD and project transport, we do these transport by our fleet, you can find the fleet details below with our service to regions. And also if you customer accept the transship we could offer to you MULTIMODAL transport sea+ road // river + road // sea + river // road + rail etc.We already do LTL& FTL from EU to Azerbaijan- Kazakhstan this is our new service… Our company also provide FTL transport from EU TO CIS .If you need price for your FTL or LTL please contact with us and if you like we can inform to our agency at Almaty for contact with your company.I wish we will be solution partner together ….OUR FLEET2+ 3 axle semi – trailer 3+ 4 axle low loader3+ 5 axle low loader3+ 6 axle low loader3+ 8 axle low loader3+ 3 axle pool loader3+ 5 axle extended low loader