First of all, Let us introduce ourselves as INDEX Global Logistics(IGL), Team of young dynamic and professional Freight Forwarder & NVOCC Operators (HAVING OWN FLEET OF ALL TYPES OF TRUCK AND CONTAINERS, NVOCC SERVICE TO MIDDLE EAST, SOUTH AFRICAN PORTS, FAR EAST, USA AND TO EUROPE SECTORS), who strive for success in all modes of transportation. Our company details are given below:rn rnWe have our head office in Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.rn rnPlease see below quick look at Our Company profile and scope of services. www.iglbd.net rn rnIn addition to the above, please read our introduction as follows;rn rnCOMPANY PROFILE rnrnINDEX Global Logistics is the trade mark in Logistic business, has been under a professional management. The company has specialized in every section of the logistics chain and providing the most suitable service with a united service philosophy.rnrnINDEX Global Logistics is ready to serve you about all parts of business like Ocean, Air, Road Freight, Warehouse-distribution, Supply Chain Management.rn rnThe company has also a large agent web throughout the World. So we are able to serve in any point on earth. Our system depends on the follow up and control of the shipments from origin, through process, until the finish point. The company also has customs and non-customs warehouses in Dhaka & Chittagong, with the advantage of being NVOCC and having a high transportation capacity, INDEX Global Logistics can provide 365 days 24 hour perfect service. Our vision depends on our mission of developing quality service and customer satisfaction. We always use the highest technology to provide the perfect service.rnrnSEA TRANSPORTATION rn rnFCL FULL CONTAINER rn?tWorldwide export and import rn?tFrequent shipments rn?tQuick process rn?tUp to date information reports on orders rn?tPossibility of following the orders on internet rn?tOnline information of shipments rnrnLCL PARTIAL SHIPMENTrn?tWorldwide export and import rn?tWeekly service departure rnrnPROJECT AND BULK SHIPMENTrn?tHeavy tonnage and excess size loads rn?tFast and reliable service in partial cast loads rnrnCROSS TRADErn?tWide net of agencies and high capacity of transportation rn?tDelivery services at stations and to doors rn?tProviding of all the documents and information rn?tVery fast and economical service rnrnCOMBINED TRANSPORTATIONrn?tTruck + vessel/vessel + vessel/ship + railway and other combined transportations rn?tPartial and full transportation to European, Middle Eastern, South Africa, Far East and CIS countries rn?tVery fast and reliable service rn rnAIR TRANSPORTATIONrn rnDIRECT FLIGHTSrn?tOptions of at airport or door to door delivery rn?tDirect and quick service without the usage of transfer ports rnrnCONSOLIDATIONrn?tOptions of at airport or door to door delivery rn?tWorldwide export and import rn?tGuarantee of economical service rn?tTransportation service to multiple importer / exporters when arrival port is the same rnrnCOMBINED TRANSPORTATIONrn?tVessel + air / truck + air transportation rn?tTransportations via Dubai and Hong Kong rn?tFast and reliable service rnLAND TRANSPORTATION / TRUCK TRANSPORTATION rn rn?tService with full truck, partial and heavy load vehicles rn?tImport and export to all European, Middle Eastern and CIS countries rn?tSystematic grouping rn?tHanging garment transportation rn?tFood transportation (frigo) rn?tExpress transportation rn rnRAILWAY TRANSPORTATIONrn rn?tTransportation in train cars and containers rn?tService to all ICDS of Dhaka rn?tDirect and combined sea + train transportations rn?tDelivery services at stations and to doors rnrnPlease don't hesitate to contact us for further information.rn rnYours Truly,rn rnAtiqul Islam ATIQUErnCEO rnCell: +8801711-603569, +8801611-603569rnrn rnINDEX Global LogisticsrnYour Trusted Cargo PartnerrnHouse No. 720 (Ground Floor), Ashkona Main RoadrnUttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.rn(Behind of Shahjalal Islami Bank)rnHotline: +8801979 707060rnEmail: atique@iglbd.net rnWebsite : www.iglbd.net rnSkype: atique.indexrnrn